Monday, October 29, 2012


Oh my gosh, so normally i have to think of a bunch of ideas of what to paint and list them so i can not claim i have no ideas, well that still leaves me not wanting to paint any of those ideas, and i search the house frustrated for something to paint.

I have been oogling for a little while and will soon join whenever i can afford the $13 a month fee. (yes, times they are difficult) and came across the weekly challenge... that has a whole long list of amazing fun challenges of topics to paint! woot, a list of inspiration and images of others ideas! what more can you ask for?!  and then when i can join people can look and buy my art through the website. 

Many paintings are forsale, just trying to figure out the best way of going about it. If you are interested shoot me an email on what painting is is and we can work things out! (i don't check 1000 times a day and please put painting or art or something in the title line.) 

Also, i would really appreciate a share on facebook/other websites to further get out there. 

and please if you have any recommendations or comments or questions feel free to comment, add me on facebook, send me an email... I get ridiculously excited when someone comments! 

Also, i have set up an artist page on facebook so if you want to check it.. although it is pretty much the same art that is on my blog.... rambling when i should be painting... see ya later! 

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